Official Mascot,
Top Dog
“When I am not fetching results, I am —squirrel!”
Favorite expression: “Squirrel!”
Specialties: Pointer (of the obvious)
Drink of choice: A Salty Dog (of course) or anything that comes out of a garden hose
Never seen without: My stars
Someday I will go to: The Dog House. But not until I've fetched the ultimate result. Whatever that might be.
Super Power: Standing really still
Slightly addicted to: Sniffing butts. Hey, I'm a dog.
Dislikes the word: Dawg. C'mon, people!
Special talent: Listening
Enjoys spending time: Squirreling!
Favorite Music Genre: Snoop Dogg
Favorite place: In the TPG foyer, saying hello to all our—squirrel!